St. Augustine Hardwood Floor Installation
St. Augustine Commercial and Residential Hardwood Floor Installation and Refinishing

Residential and Commercial Hardwood Floor Installation for St. Augustine
Are you considering purchasing new or additional hardwood floors for your St. Augustine, Florida residence or business? Just Floored can help. We sell and install all types of wood floors plus bamboo, cork, laminate and stone or tile. Call us for a free in-home evaluation and quote.
We can help you select the right type of product such as cherry hardwood flooring to best fit your home or business, and we will give you an aggressively competitive quote.
Choose from unfinished or prefinished hardwood floors, prefinished engineered floors, laminate flooring, bamboo, cork floors in St. Augustine, Florida. Just Floored has been installing hardwood floors for over 20 years and has the expertise to professionally install your floors, and our labor is warranted. We also offer a warranty on any hardwood floors, engineered floors, bamboo, cork or stone or tile products you order from us for your St. Augustine project. We offer floor laying for new floors. We also offer floor refinishing using low VOC or no VOC products and dustless sanding.
Just Floored of St. Augustine not only installs hardwood floors, we also expertly install stone or tile floors, walls or back splashes for St. Augustine residents or business owners. Our work is guaranteed and our pricing is very aggressive because we want your business. St. Augustine, Florida homeowners or business owners will love the upgraded look. Enjoy an increase in equity at your home or business with new hardwood floors or other flooring product. If you are selling your property, the new flooring will appeal to a large mass of buyers helping it sell quicker and for more money.
Wood Floors for St. Augustine, Florida
St. Augustine residents and business owners can go online at and view our available flooring and tile products offered for installation Just floored of St. Augustine offers a large selection of wood floors species such as cherry, walnut, oak, pine, hickory and maple. Our flooring can be installed in different widths, stain colors or sheen. Call us for an in-home evaluation and quote on flooring for your St. Augustine, Florida home, and our experts can show you samples and help you determine the best flooring for your home or business. We can help.
Choose from unfinished or prefinished hardwoods, prefinished engineered floors, cork, bamboo, laminate, stone and tile. We have over a decade experience installing hardwood floors and tile in St. Augustine, Florida and our technicians are highly trained and skilled. All work is warranted. We guarantee the actual product when you purchase the flooring from us. Instead of installing new floors, we can refinish your existing floors if they are still in good condition, changing out the stain to make them look new. Call us for a free estimate at 904-432-6464 or go online at to see our flooring products.
Refinishing, Sanding, Staining Wood Floors - St. Augustine, Florida
We can refinish your floors. We will sand them, restain them to any color you choose, and then seal them with polyurethane. We are the best installation company in St. Augustine, Florida to refinish or repair your residential or commercial flooring, and our prices beat the competition. Choose your stain color by looking online or one of our techs can show you samples. After we have sanded your floors, we seal them with a polyurethane finish. We can seal the floors with a tough, long lasting oil base finish, or use a fast drying water based finish that will have less odor. Ask our tech about Monocoat products because they have no VOCs, great for chemically sensitive St.. Augustine clients. Do you have existing wood floors that need repaired, or you want to match them and add more flooring? Just Floored can provide a seamless job. We offer low VOC or no VOC products. Schedule a free in-home quote by calling 904-432-6464 or Email us at
Buffing and Recoating Hardwood Floors
Your St. Augustine, FL residential or commercial floors may be candidates for cost effective revitalizing buffing. We can buff and recoating with sealer to extend the life of your current flooring. If your flooring is in good shape but is dull, you can save money with this method to extend your floors lifespan a few years. Our pricing is very competitive for St. Augustine, we will give you the best job possible as the best price, and your floors will look fantastic.
Repairing Floors in St. Augustine
Maybe your St. Augustine floors can be saved instead of having to install new flooring. Just Floored is a pro when it comes time to repairing wood floors, fixing breaks, scratches, holes and gouges. If you want to add flooring into an adjoining room or even an entire floors matching the floors you already have, we can give you floors that look like they have always been there. Or maybe you are just tired of the color of your floors you have had for a while, and would like a new color, keeping the existing floors. We can help you choose a new stain color and sheen if you like. A new stain color can make a house look like a completely different. Call us today to schedule an appointment.We offer floor laying for new floors. We also offer floor refinishing using low VOC or no VOC products and dustless sanding.
St. Augustine Subfloors
All good flooring jobs start with the subfloors. If the subfloor is out of level and installed improperly, the wood floors can squeak, the tiles can crack. We are the right professionals to fix your subfloors in St. Augustine and give you a professional installation job that looks great for years. Call Just Floored today.
Don't Forget Vinyl
Just Floored offers and expertly installs vinyl flooring for homeowners and business owners in St. Augustine at competitive pricing. Check out our selection of Vinyl flooring online, we have a huge selection of patterns and colors, many resembling wood or stone. Many vinyl flooring products are durable and pet friendly, and great for places that can take a lot of abuse.